Bad News Bears

Jul 28

Since I had such a good response from the Charlie and The Chocolate Factory post I’ll blog about another movie that we are going to see this weekend.

Bad News Bears

I’m a fan of Billy Bob Thorton and I loved the first Bad News Bears that came out in 1976 with Walter Matthau.

1976 Bad News Bears New Bad News Bears

So far the previews have done nothing but make me laugh.

What do you think?

Falsely Accused

Jul 28

I love these verses, everybody could read Matthew 7:1-5 and get something out of it.

Read Matthew 7:1-5

Surely there is no one on earth so righteous as to do good without ever sinning.

-Ecclesiastes 7:20 (NRSV)

RECENTLY I was wrongly accused of a deed which caused a stranger to lash out at me in uncontrolled anger, with foul language. My impulse was to scream back at him in self-defense. Instead, I drove home full of resentment and frustration that eventually left me depressed.

I considered the possible reasons for the stranger’s actions: he might have lost his job that day or received bad news regarding his health; perhaps his marriage had ended. Then I asked myself, How many times have I falsely accused another? And when I prejudge someone or pass on malicious gossip, am I not “falsely accusing”? The Bible plainly teaches against these things, so I am just as guilty as the man who unjustly accused me.

Once I asked God’s forgiveness for my sins, I could feel compassion for my accuser. When I asked for guidance and comfort for him, I was able to feel God’s peace.

Ruth C. Hodges (California, U.S.A.)

Thank you, God, for forgiving our sins and helping us to forgive others. Amen.

Thought For The Day
Think — and pray — before speaking.

Prayer Focus
Someone overwhelmed by anger