Update on the Car Dealership Backend

Dec 21


I landed the job. It turns out that the project really isn’t going to be all that hard. At first, it was going to be an entire backend system from inventory to financing. What I will be building for them is a payment tracking system to support their loans that they have out. They will still be using the software that they already have in place to handle the majority of their work. When they sell a car they will enter the specifics about the customer and loan into the payment tracking system that I will be building for them. It will be a pretty cool project to do. I’ll start on it after the first of the year. I have to finish up one other web project first. I may be hitting up some of ya’ll for some help in the near future.

Thank God for the Holidays

Dec 21


Today was the last day of this year that I had to work for the state. I’m off till January 3 of next year, nothing but good things till then. I hope everybody is ready for Christmas. All the last minute shoppers out there, traffic, craziness…Chaos is what it is. I thought we would be caught in the last minute rush to get that one gift that was forgotten about. Not this year, we are, well, I’m through with my Christmas shopping. I do think I’m going to give it a try on the first shopping day after Christmas. I have always heard how bad it is. Worse than the last day of shopping right before Christmas. I want to get out there and see if I can get a good deal on a treadmill. I plan on loosing some weight this year, lets see what happens with that. I may have to take some pics for the before/after thing.

Merry Christmas to all my friends and I hope you have a great New Year.

Car Dealership Backend

Dec 14


Anybody down for some cool programming. I will be taking a look at an existing back end to a car dealership Thursday. The hopes are that I can write something similar but custom to their needs. There are a few reports and such that the company wants but the current software won’t provide. So, they have asked me to come and take a look at it and see what can be done, hmmm. I may need to call on some programmers to come to the rescue. If I have to write some software for them it won’t be cheap and I’m not sure that they will want to pay me what it will be worth. So with that in mind, I may have to push them towards something that is already out there ready and waiting to be used. But if not, do I have any interested parties out there wanting extra work and cash?

Let me know if your interested and I’ll let you know more about it and I’ll also let you know how the meeting goes.

More to come…

Hard Weekend!

Dec 12


I hope that everybody had a great weekend or at least better than mine. I am glad to be back at work today even if it is a Monday. Maybe now I can get some rest…haha. Not really, just in case my boss is reading ;)

My weekend turned out to be very busy. And I’m not talking about busy with fun stuff either. I recently landed some web development and network support jobs with some real estate companies in Sweetwater. I had been wanting to get some of these businesses for a while so in a way this was a wish that came true. I had no idea how messed up a business network could be until now. I spent my entire weekend doing nothing but cleaning spy ware, ad ware, and viruses off of computers. Reworking an existing network so that it could be more stable with less down time which involved tracing wires to see where they went and in some cases they didn’t go anywhere, go figure.

I really shouldn’t be griping about this, God will only give you what you can handle, right. A new contract is a good thing. The people that I’m doing it for are good people. I should just quit crying and get over it. I’m just tired and grumpy I guess.

I’m over it…thanks for listening.

I Have The Answer

Dec 02


Thanks to my boss, Glen, I have finally found the answer to why men just don’t understand women.

So True

And if you noticed, man is always turned on. ;)