Another Rushed Weekend
Man, the weekend flew by. It seems like we didn’t even have one. I drove down Saturday morning to Lake Worth to see my dad get married for the 5th time. It was a good ceremony and I pray that this is the last wedding that he has. We will see, My impression of the brides family was very good for a change. And the bride herself, Kaye, seemed to be a very nice person from my first impression, time will tell. You see, my brother and I met her at the wedding, not uncommon for my dad. Rush into a marriage and then everything falls apart then comes the divorce. This time really does seem different though. But it is hard to say that this is the one because of my dad’s track record. I can say that this is the last wedding of my dad’s that I will be going to. Oh well, I wish them the best of luck.
Saturday afternoon wedding then drive back Sunday morning…there went the weekend.
I enjoyed getting to see my aunts, uncles, and cousins. It’s funny how our family is so spread out but always seem to come together for special occasions such as weddings, reunions, graduations, funerals. My family is very large, most hill billy families are. At my wedding around 200 of them showed up to wish me luck. Between friends and family at my wedding there was over 300 people there, wow.