Very Cool

Aug 16

Check this out: Air Scooter

I love this, an ultralight classification, which means…no license required, just as long as you stay under 500 ft. and out of restricted air space.

I would love to have this bad boy to play with. I have always been interested in avaition, mainly focused on helecopters. There is a major sense of freedom that comes with flying…everybody should fly an airplane at least once in their lifetimes.

airscooter flying

Oops! What Happened?

Aug 15

Did anybody happen to notice that our little mexican buddy’s website is dead?

Corey what’s going on with the blog site?


Aug 15

Time Time is STILL something that I’m struggling with, well, really it is time management. When I’m planning out my days I don’t take into consideration my health and the health of others. When I get sick…like last week,
I feel like I get behind and that I can never get caught back up. I have to change this mentality becuase it stresses me out. Then I snap at everybody around me like it is their fault.
Anyhow, enough about time, I have to tell ya’ll about what just happened to my son at his grandmother’s house. Outside of his grandmother’s house there were these two dogs that got stuck together. Now as adults, we know why they are stuck together. But try to think of this situation from an 8 year olds point of view, hahaha Dogs
My son was so excited about seeing these simese twin dogs…haha…he said that the dogs were confused because they were trying to run in both directions. Like they didn’t remember that they were simese twins and that they were attached. The two dogs wanted to go in different directions. We were laughing so hard that we couldn’t explain to him what was really happening.
Kids are so funny. My son was very serious about the whole thing. He even went as so far as to compare them to a set of calf simese twins that he saw at the Buck Horn Saloon Museum in San Antonio the other day.

Our Priority

Aug 15

Read John 13:34-35

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

-1 John 3:18 (NIV)

ONE day a student of mine, Andrew, came to inform me that he needed to take a week off from school because his mother had died unexpectedly. I had noticed he looked pale and sad, but I was very busy that day and didn’t take time to find out more about his situation. I just nodded my head and walked away.

The next day during my quiet time with the Lord, I came across 1 John 3:18. That verse made me realize how insensitive I had been to Andrew and the importance of putting God’s love into action. When I asked Andrew about his situation, he told me he was an only child and his father had died when he was very young. He became an orphan after his mother’s death. Andrew had to move in with his uncle, a poor farmer who already had six children of his own.

A school-wide donation was organized for Andrew. Some of the other teachers and I took him the food, clothing, and money that was collected. We could see great relief and thankfulness in his eyes. Andrew is now attending the local church’s youth fellowship. He seems to know that God is with him daily.

Grace Lim Shok Lan (Sarawak, Malaysia)

O God, teach us to be people-centered instead of task-centered. Amen.

Thought For The Day
Do you put priority on people or on things?

Prayer Focus
People around us who need help

Let it Rain Let it Rain

Aug 15

Thank God, we have gotten around 4 inches of rain between yesterday and this morning. And it is still coming down as I’m typing this up.

I pray that the lakes around here would fill up.

And for all my Midland/Odessa friends, I pray that ya’ll get a lake :)