Baseball 2009

May 12

So far the Zack and Zoe have been doing very well in baseball this season.

Zack has a record of 3 wins and 1 loss which puts them in a solid second place in the league for now. Zoe, in T-Ball, I think has won 2 games and lost 2 games. It’s hard to tell in T-Ball, we don’t keep score, but yet they do, who knows. Anyhow, it looks like Zack’s team, the Astros, will have a chance at the state tournament this year. I know that it is early because it is an 18 game season for him but they are looking good in comparison to the other teams.

Zoe had a great game tonight. We do coach pitch for three balls then two off the tee. Zoe hit it out in left field from the coach and one off the tee. She made two really good plays at second base. She was pretty excited about it all.

Zack has been making several good plays at first base and his hitting has started to improve. He’s a big kid at 12 years old standing at 5’4 at about 170 pounds so he should be hitting very well due to his size. He is coming out of his batting slump so I should have more to say about it later. He towers over most of the kids his age but he hasn’t really figured out how to use his height to his advantage yet. He’s doing very good anyway.

Baseball 08

Apr 15

We are just getting started with our summer league baseball season. I’m helping with the coaching of my daughters t-ball team again this year. Zack is already excited about the season and he has had only two practices. He is loving the position that he is playing now, first base. He played it very well last year, surprised Mari and I. Not that we didn’t think that he would do good. We just had no idea that he wanted to play first base. Zoe has had one practice so far and she has improved about 90% since last year, haha. Maybe we will get to see her field the ball instead of building a sand castle between first and second.

Finally figured it out

Apr 14

I have finally figured out how to save all of my old posts via RSS to one giant XML file and then import into WordPress. That was a lot to say in one sentence 😉

I couldn’t figure out how to get the comments to come over in the XML with the posts so there are no comments. I’m really not too worried about losing the comments. I was more concerned with getting all the original posts back so that there wouldn’t be anymore broken links in the search engines for my domain.

I now pat myself on the back…

Happy Easter!

Apr 13

I hope everybody had a wonderful Easter celebration this past weekend. We had a good Easter this year, like you can have a bad Easter, lol. Anyway, we went to church Sunday morning and worshiped with our church family then spent the rest of the day working on getting our taxes done. Bet you didn’t see that one coming.

April 15th is the deadline and we just might make it. I stress every year about this time. I seem to wait to the last minute to get our taxes done, not a good idea honestly.

Louie Giglio – Laminin

Apr 09

I received an email about this from a friend. I was so amazed that I just have to share it. This is a short video of Louie Giglio talking about Laminin. You have to watch it and post your comments about it. All I can say is WOW, our God is amazing.

Fast Tube by Casper

One word, WOW.

Colossians 1:17 says: He (Christ) is before all things and IN HIM ALL THINGS HOLD TOGETHER.”