Why we do the things we do?

Jan 12


Why, as a parent, do we lose it with our children? Is it because of the stresses that we deal with day in and day out? Could it be from frustration due to the lack of time that we have in the afternoon? Could it be from anger that is already there due to the failures in our lives? Could it be just plain evil at work in our lives?

I don’t know the answer but I can guarantee you that I have been there too many times. I hate myself for snapping at my son for minor things. The words come out of my mouth straight into the ears of an eight year old boy’s heart. You know the type of words that I’m talking about. As soon as the words roll off the tongue you’re already thinking, why did I say that? Damage is done. You can never take those words back either. You might be able to ease the pain but you can never take them back. Every negative word chips away the self-esteem that they are working so hard to build. I hate myself for being this way. If I knew the answer to the riddle I could change my ways. But with every answer there is another riddle. Would I change, could I change? If I could change how would I change? If I didn’t punish my son would he turn out ok or will he become spoiled? If I didn’t snap would life be different? Spare the Rod Spoil the Child, right? Is this just my problem or is this common amongst other parents? Could it be something from my childhood that is causing me to act out this way?

That’s it; I’ll just blame my parents. Now I feel better about everything.

Feed back is welcome but just don’t give any.

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