Life is good

Feb 09

Life has been good to me these days.

I haven’t had much time for blogging lately if you haven’t noticed. The reason that I have been so busy lately is because I have dedicated my time to finishing up some major projects that I have needed to get done. I finished up a large networking job that has been nagging at me every since I started it, man I’m glad to be done with that one. And the pay wasn’t too shabby either but how do you measure pay. In my opinion you can measure pay in two ways. Either by financial gain or by personal gain. I have had some projects that paid off with financial gain but the most satisfying for me has been the projects that paid off with personal gain. I finished up some critical phases of some projects that I have been working on for my employer that has rewarded me with personal gain. By personal gain I mean that there has been some doors open up and some pressure has been lifted. This, for me, has made life better and my job easier and also for me this is more valuable than financial gain. Now I know that there will be many people that will disagree with this and I’m fine with that. But I’m much happier so it really doesn’t matter, to each is their own, right. Now that I’m happier I feel as if I’m more productive and that the quality of my work is better. With that said I do think that personal gain will lead to financial gain.

Time will tell as usual.

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