One Screen, Two Screen, or Wide Screen

Feb 20

Now days it seems like everybody has dual monitors sitting on their desks. There was a time that I didn’t understand why a person would want dual monitors but now I can see why. For programmers (code monkeys) it was easy enough to crank out line after line of code and then save, alt + tab, F5 to see the results. But when you are working with Photoshop, a code editor, and a browser or two it is very frustrating when your dealing with one monitor. I know, graphic designers/developers have been dealing with it for years but there is truly no need now. With the cost of monitors being somewhat cheaper you can now afford to have a dual monitor setup. I thought that it would be a waste of money and a pain in the neck to have dual monitors as a programmer. But now, I want dual monitors…or would I like one 22″ or 24″ wide screen monitor better? I really like the ease of having everything on one monitor. There isn’t any extra hardware to install to support the wide screen monitor. With a dual monitor setup you have to have the correct connections or it doesn’t work.

HHmmm…one screen or two, that is the question.

I think I will have to go with the one screen…being a wide screen…a 24″ wide screen at that.

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