Vacation Time Finally!

Jul 03

That’s right, it’s vacation time for the Cornett family….aaahhh, finally.

I can’t wait to get on the road. The cost of gas will make this trip interesting for sure. We are packing up and heading out to Rock Port for a week. Time for some R&R on the coast. Lots of fishing, swimming, site seeing, and just pure relaxation. I will be screening calls on the cell phone and most importantly I will not be working on a computer. I will not be programming, emailing, blogging, chatting, rebuilding, networking, or even looking at a computer for an entire week, wow. I will be focused on family fun for the entire week.

I’ll post pictures of the trip when I get back. I can’t wait…

Blogg Troubles

Jul 03

I’m sorry to everybody that reads my blog but I am still having trouble with my blog site. If it’s not a problem with the DSL company it’s my server crashing. I’ve been looking at some different hosting solutions but I haven’t had much luck with it yet. I may just build me a new server and be done with it. Bite the bullet and spend some money and make it all good, right. The last two blog entries that I entered went out to lala land somewhere instead of my blog site, gone forever.