Canon EOS Rebel

May 12

Canon EOS RebelOur camera finally bit the dust. We have been looking at replacing it with the Canon EOS Rebel XS 10.1 Megapixel. It’s a birthday slash mother’s day present for my wife, Mari. The reviews for the Canon are really good and it would be a major step up for us in digital photography. Our thinking is that with all the kids sports going on it would be nice to be able to have a rapid shot picture taking machine at our disposal. Hopefully we can get a good picture or two out of a hundred, 😉

The cost is up there, around $600 bucks so I got to looking around on EBay and found that people are selling them brand new in the box from $350 to $450 every day, hmmm. I guess it’s about time for us to make an EBay purchase. I’ve had friends buy plenty from EBay but I have never jumped in. A little scared but I think that it will be ok as long as the seller’s reviews are good…right?

This Theme

Mar 26

It looks like I’m going to keep this one for a while. Or at least until I get time to build my own….and who knows when that will be. I have been so busy with working my job and my business that I haven’t had much time to enjoy life. I have made time to help with my son’s basketball league and one short fishing trip.

Anyway, I like this theme for now.

Funny Stuff.

Mar 20

I thought this was a funny video. I also wanted to test out my new YouTube plugin for WordPress.

Fast Tube by Casper

Another new Theme.

Mar 20

Ok, here is a new theme that I wanted to check out. I like the simplicity of this theme so far. Let me know what you think about it. I have a couple of more that I want to try.

What do you think about it?

Mar 05

Ok, I want everybody to leave a comment telling me what they think about this skin.

Personally, I liked it at first but the more that I poke around on it I’m finding things that I don’t like. I think it is too dark for one thing. I don’t like that you can’t see all the text or links in some areas of the site. I’m going to try some different skins and I would like some feed back.
